Thursday, 15 May 2014

Most influential women in world

Redefining the power through beauty and brains can be learnt by a woman. Earlier women were type cast as house ladies whose only job involves producing kids and keeping the family happy. Gradually with the increased awareness and availability of education to females raised the standard of women. Right from politicians to CEOs, billionaire to entrepreneur, teacher to artist, women are touching the heights of success on their own. Here is the list of the gorgeously influencing divas:

                                                               Oprah Winfrey

She may not be as beautiful as other calendar models. But there is poise in her attitude that you can’t even afford to miss. She is the queen of all media. When she smiles on TV screens it inspires everyone. Oprah is the name synonymous to leader. She has a golden heart. From doing charity to making the lives of the people better, Oprah deserves to be on top.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton is best known as secretary of state, former first lady and former U.S senator. Through her great leadership skills, she has managed to take away zillions of hearts. Her majestic charm is enough to rule the country.

                                                            Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi is the well known famous leader of politics .As per the online poll conducted by a leading web portal, Sonia Gandhi is on third position of most influential women. She surely has leadership qualities which makes her a perfect woman outside the home too. 

                                                          Michelle Obama

The first black lady of U.S is very influential when it comes to style and leading the country. Her persona is quite empowering. She is an energetic and an all-rounder soul at every front. Hats off to her!
                                                      Beyoncé Knowles

Beyoncé makes her comeback to top the chart with bigger brands in her kitty. Since her newly status of motherhood, we were missing the sensational actress, entrepreneur and musician badly. Now, she is back to make it to the list of most influential women in the world.  
                       Virginia Rometty

Rometty is the gorgeously leading influential women in the corporate sector. She is the CEO of the biggest computer company which is even bigger than Yahoo and Google. Her unique strategies are so indifferent that company is flooded with the highest revenue of $104.5 billion on an annual basis. This is the greatest profit made by IBM till now.
                            Indra Nooyi

These days Nooyi is busy in bringing the changes to PepsiCo. She is too young to head the company like this. But her brain is enough to generate the best revenue for the company. Beauty and brains go well hand-in-hand when ladies like Indra fight with challenges to make the best out of the world.

The list is endless as women are doing fairly well in almost all the sectors. Today, women are no longer behind the men. There are a very few people who succeed personally as well as professionally but these women are just fabulous in every way. 

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